1. Cerione, R. A.; Hammes, G. G., Nucleotide interactions with the dicyclohexylcarbodiimide-sensitive adenosinetriphosphatase from spinach chloroplasts. Biochemistry 1981, 20 (12), 3359-65.
2. Cerione, R. A.; Hammes, G. G., Structural mapping of nucleotide binding sites on chloroplast coupling factor. Biochemistry 1982, 21 (4), 745-52.
3. Cerione, R. A.; Chase, T., Fluorescence Investigations of Coenzyme and Substrate Interactions in Mannitol-1-Phosphate Dehydrogenase of Escherichia-Coli. Journal of Protein Chemistry 1983, 2 (5), 371-381.
4. Cerione, R. A.; Chase, T., The Interactions of Rose-Bengal and Other Aromatic Anionic Dyes with Mannitol-1-Phosphate Dehydrogenase from Escherichia-Coli. Journal of Protein Chemistry 1983, 2 (5), 383-397.
5. Cerione, R. A.; McCarty, R. E.; Hammes, G. G., Spatial relationships between specific sites on reconstituted chloroplast proton adenosinetriphosphatase and the phospholipid vesicle surface. Biochemistry 1983, 22 (4), 769-76.
6. Cerione, R. A.; Strulovici, B.; Benovic, J. L.; Lefkowitz, R. J.; Caron, M. G., Pure beta-adrenergic receptor: the single polypeptide confers catecholamine responsiveness to adenylate cyclase. Nature 1983, 306 (5943), 562-6.
7. Cerione, R. A.; Strulovici, B.; Benovic, J. L.; Strader, C. D.; Caron, M. G.; Lefkowitz, R. J., Reconstitution of beta-adrenergic receptors in lipid vesicles: affinity chromatography-purified receptors confer catecholamine responsiveness on a heterologous adenylate cyclase system. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 1983, 80 (16), 4899-903.
8. Cerione, R. A.; Codina, J.; Benovic, J. L.; Lefkowitz, R. J.; Birnbaumer, L.; Caron, M. G., The mammalian beta 2-adrenergic receptor: reconstitution of functional interactions between pure receptor and pure stimulatory nucleotide binding protein of the adenylate cyclase system. Biochemistry 1984, 23 (20), 4519-25.
9. Cerione, R. A.; Sibley, D. R.; Codina, J.; Benovic, J. L.; Winslow, J.; Neer, E. J.; Birnbaumer, L.; Caron, M. G.; Lefkowitz, R. J., Reconstitution of a hormone-sensitive adenylate cyclase system. The pure beta-adrenergic receptor and guanine nucleotide regulatory protein confer hormone responsiveness on the resolved catalytic unit. J Biol Chem 1984, 259 (16), 9979-82.
10. Lefkowitz, R. J.; Cerione, R. A.; Benovic, J. L.; Strulovici, B.; Stiles, G. L.; Codina, J.; Birnbaumer, L.; Caron, M. G. In Purification, characterization and reconstitution of the adenylate cyclase-coupled b-adrenergic receptor., IUPHAR 9th International Congress of Pharmacology, Proceedings, Paton, W.; Mitchell, J.; Turner, P., Eds. The Macmillan Press Ltd.: 1984; pp 223-297.
11. Lefkowitz, R. J.; Stadel, J. M.; Cerione, R. A.; Strulovici, B.; Caron, M. G., Structure and function of beta-adrenergic receptors: regulation at the molecular level. Adv Cyclic Nucleotide Protein Phosphorylation Res 1984, 17, 19-28.
12. Strulovici, B.; Cerione, R. A.; Kilpatrick, B. F.; Caron, M. G.; Lefkowitz, R. J., Direct demonstration of impaired functionality of a purified desensitized beta-adrenergic receptor in a reconstituted system. Science 1984, 225 (4664), 837-40.
13. Benovic, J. L.; Pike, L. J.; Cerione, R. A.; Staniszewski, C.; Yoshimasa, T.; Codina, J.; Caron, M. G.; Lefkowitz, R. J., Phosphorylation of the mammalian beta-adrenergic receptor by cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase. Regulation of the rate of receptor phosphorylation and dephosphorylation by agonist occupancy and effects on coupling of the receptor to the stimulatory guanine nucleotide regulatory protein. J Biol Chem 1985, 260 (11), 7094-101.
14. Birnbaumer, L.; Codina, J.; Mattera, R.; Cerione, R. A.; Hildebrandt, J. D.; Sunyer, T.; Rojas, F. J.; Caron, M. G.; Lefkowitz, R. J.; Iyengar, R., Regulation of hormone receptors and adenylyl cyclases by guanine nucleotide binding N proteins. Recent Prog Horm Res 1985, 41, 41-99.
15. Birnbaumer, L.; Codina, J.; Sunyer, T.; Rosenthal, W.; Hildebrandt, J. D.; Cerione, R. A.; Caron, M. G.; Lefkowitz, R. J.; Sekura, R. D., Structural and functional properties of Ns and Ni, the regulatory components of adenylyl cyclases. In Pertusis Toxin, R. D. Sekura, J. Moss, M. Vouplisa, Ed. Academic Press: New York, 1985; pp 77-104.
16. Caron, M. G.; Benovic, J. L.; Stiles, G. L.; Leeb-Lundberg, L. M. F.; Dickinson, K. E. J.; Regan, A. D.; Heald, S. L.; Nambi, P.; Strulovici, B.; Cerione, R. A.; Lefkowitz, R. J. In Biochemical properties of the adrenergic receptors delineated by purification and photoaffinity labeling, Symposia Medica Hoechst 19, Adrenergic Receptors: Molecular Properties and Therapeutic Implications, Lefkowitz, R. J.; Lindenlaub, E., Eds. Schattaueur Verlag: 1985; pp 7-27.
17. Caron, M. G.; Cerione, R. A.; Benovic, J. L.; Strulovici, B.; Staniszewski, C.; Lefkowitz, R. J.; Codina-Salada, J.; Birnbaumer, L., Biochemical characterization of the adrenergic receptors: affinity labeling, purification, and reconstitution studies. Adv Cyclic Nucleotide Protein Phosphorylation Res 1985, 19, 1-12.
18. Caron, M. G.; Cerione, R. A.; Leeb-Lundberg, L. M. F.; Benovic, J. L.; Regan, J. W.; Dickinson, K. E. J.; Heald, S. L.; Lefkowitz, R. J. In Biochemical characterization of the adrenergic receptors: Purification, affinity labeling and reconstitution studies, Proceedings of the 7th International Congress of Endocrinology, 1985.
19. Cerione, R. A.; Benovic, J. L.; Codina, J.; Staniszewski, C.; Sibley, D. R.; Winslow, J.; Gierschik, P.; Somers, R.; Strulovici, B.; Spiegel, A. M.; Neer, E. J.; Birnbaumer, L.; Lefkowitz, R. J.; Caron, M. G. In Reconstitution of the b-adrenergic-coupled adenylate cyclase system into phospholipid vesicles, Symposia Medica Hoechst 19, Adrenergic Receptors Molecular Properties and Therapeutic Implications, Lefkowitz, R. J.; Lindenlaub, E., Eds. Schattaueur Verlag: 1985; pp 299-326.
20. Cerione, R. A.; Codina, J.; Kilpatrick, B. F.; Staniszewski, C.; Gierschik, P.; Somers, R. L.; Spiegel, A. M.; Birnbaumer, L.; Caron, M. G.; Lefkowitz, R. J., Transducin and the inhibitory nucleotide regulatory protein inhibit the stimulatory nucleotide regulatory protein mediated stimulation of adenylate cyclase in phospholipid vesicle systems. Biochemistry 1985, 24 (17), 4499-503.
21. Cerione, R. A.; Staniszewski, C.; Benovic, J. L.; Lefkowitz, R. J.; Caron, M. G.; Gierschik, P.; Somers, R.; Spiegel, A. M.; Codina, J.; Birnbaumer, L., Specificity of the functional interactions of the beta-adrenergic receptor and rhodopsin with guanine nucleotide regulatory proteins reconstituted in phospholipid vesicles. J Biol Chem 1985, 260 (3), 1493-500.
22. Cerione, R. A.; Staniszewski, C.; Caron, M. G.; Lefkowitz, R. J.; Codina, J.; Birnbaumer, L., A role for Ni in the hormonal stimulation of adenylate cyclase. Nature 1985, 318 (6043), 293-5.
23. Lefkowitz, R. J.; Cerione, R. A.; Codina, J.; Birnbaumer, L.; Caron, M. G., Reconstitution of the beta-adrenergic receptor. J Membr Biol 1985, 87 (1), 1-12.
24. Lefkowitz, R. J.; Nambi, P.; Stadel, J. M.; Cerione, R. A.; Strulovici, B.; Caron, M. G. In Beta-adrenergic receptors: Physiological regulation studied at the molecular level, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Catecholamines as Hormone Regulators, Raven Press: 1985; pp 67-75.
25. Strasser, R. H.; Cerione, R. A.; Codina, J.; Caron, M. G.; Lefkowitz, R. J., Homologous desensitization of the beta-adrenergic receptor. Functional integrity of the desensitized receptor from mammalian lung. Mol Pharmacol 1985, 28 (3), 237-45.
26. Birnbaumer, L.; Codina, J.; Mattera, R.; Hildebrandt, J. D.; Sunyer, T.; Rojas, F. J.; Cerione, R. A.; Caron, M. G.; Lefkowitz, R. J., The structural basis for the reciprocal regulation of hormone receptors and adenylyl cyclases with special emphasis on the mode of action of glucagon. In Hormonal Regulation of Gluconeogenesis, Kraus-Friedman, N., Ed. C.R.C. Press: Boca Raton, FL, 1986; Vol. 2.
27. Birnbaumer, L.; Codina, J.; Sunyer, T.; Hildebrandt, J. D.; Cerione, R. A.; Lefkowitz, R. J.; Caron, M. G., Dual coupling mechanisms in the regulation of cAMP formation. In The Role of Receptors in Biology and Medicine, Gotto, A. M.; O'Malley, B. W., Eds. Raven Press: New York, 1986; pp 193-211.
28. Caron, M. G.; Benovic, J. L.; Leeb-Lundberg, L. M. F.; Cerione, R. A.; Regan, A. D.; Lomasney, J. W.; Cotecchia, S.; Nakata, H.; Sibley, D. R.; Strasser, R. H.; Lefkowitz, R. J. In Biochemical characterization of the adrenergic receptors: Regulation of responsiveness by phosphorylation of the receptors, The Ninth International Symposium on Brain Sciences Proceedings, 1986.
29. Cerione, R. A.; Benovic, J. L.; Codina, J.; Birnbaumer, L.; Lefkowitz, R. J.; Caron, M. G., The b-adrenergic receptor-coupled adenylate cyclase: Reconstitution of the functional interactions of the various purified components. In The Receptors, Conn, P. M., Ed. Academic Press: Orlando, FL, 1986; Vol. 4, pp 2-34.
30. Cerione, R. A.; Regan, J. W.; Nakata, H.; Codina, J.; Benovic, J. L.; Gierschik, P.; Somers, R. L.; Spiegel, A. M.; Birnbaumer, L.; Lefkowitz, R. J.; et al., Functional reconstitution of the alpha 2-adrenergic receptor with guanine nucleotide regulatory proteins in phospholipid vesicles. J Biol Chem 1986, 261 (8), 3901-9.
31. Cerione, R. A.; Staniszewski, C.; Gierschik, P.; Codina, J.; Somers, R. L.; Birnbaumer, L.; Spiegel, A. M.; Caron, M. G.; Lefkowitz, R. J., Mechanism of guanine nucleotide regulatory protein-mediated inhibition of adenylate cyclase. Studies with isolated subunits of transducin in a reconstituted system. J Biol Chem 1986, 261 (20), 9514-20.
32. Horne, W. A.; Weiland, G. A.; Oswald, R. E.; Cerione, R. A., Rapid incorporation of the solubilized dihydropyridine receptor into phospholipid vesicles. Biochim Biophys Acta 1986, 863 (2), 205-12.
33. Strasser, R. H.; Cerione, R. A.; Codina, J.; Birnbaumer, L.; Lefkowitz, R. J.; Caron, M. G., The b-adrenergic receptor-coupled adenylate cyclase: Reconstitution of the functional interactions of the various purified components. In The Receptors, Conn, P. M., Ed. Academic Press: Orlando, FL, 1986; Vol. 9.
34. Benovic, J. L.; Staniszewski, C.; Cerione, R. A.; Codina, J.; Lefkowitz, R. J.; Caron, M. G., The mammalian beta-adrenergic receptor: structural and functional characterization of the carbohydrate moiety. J Recept Res 1987, 7 (1-4), 257-81.
35. Cerione, R. A. In Mechanisms of receptor-coupled signal transduction, Proceedings of the Wenner-Gren Symposium, Fuxe, K.; Agnati, L. F., Eds. 1987; pp 200-211.
36. Cerione, R. A.; Gierschik, P.; Staniszewski, C.; Benovic, J. L.; Codina, J.; Somers, R.; Birnbaumer, L.; Spiegel, A. M.; Lefkowitz, R. J.; Caron, M. G., Functional differences in the beta gamma complexes of transducin and the inhibitory guanine nucleotide regulatory protein. Biochemistry 1987, 26 (5), 1485-91.
37. Cerione, R. A.; Kroll, S.; Rajaram, R.; Unson, C.; Goldsmith, P.; Spiegel, A. M., An antibody directed against the carboxyl-terminal decapeptide of the alpha subunit of the retinal GTP-binding protein, transducin. Effects on transducin function. J Biol Chem 1988, 263 (19), 9345-52.
38. Horne, W. A.; Abdel-Ghany, M.; Racker, E.; Weiland, G. A.; Oswald, R. E.; Cerione, R. A., Functional reconstitution of skeletal muscle Ca2+ channels: separation of regulatory and channel components. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 1988, 85 (11), 3718-22.
39. Koland, J. G.; Cerione, R. A., Growth factor control of epidermal growth factor receptor kinase activity via an intramolecular mechanism. J Biol Chem 1988, 263 (5), 2230-7.
40. Krupinski, J.; Rajaram, R.; Lakonishok, M.; Benovic, J. L.; Cerione, R. A., Insulin-dependent phosphorylation of GTP-binding proteins in phospholipid vesicles. J Biol Chem 1988, 263 (25), 12333-41.
41. Phillips, W. J.; Cerione, R. A., The intrinsic fluorescence of the alpha subunit of transducin. Measurement of receptor-dependent guanine nucleotide exchange. J Biol Chem 1988, 263 (30), 15498-505.
42. Carraway, K. L., 3rd; Koland, J. G.; Cerione, R. A., Visualization of epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor aggregation in plasma membranes by fluorescence resonance energy transfer. Correlation of receptor activation with aggregation. J Biol Chem 1989, 264 (15), 8699-707.
43. Kroll, S.; Phillips, W. J.; Cerione, R. A., The regulation of the cyclic GMP phosphodiesterase by the GDP-bound form of the alpha subunit of transducin. J Biol Chem 1989, 264 (8), 4490-7.
44. Phillips, W. J.; Trukawinski, S.; Cerione, R. A., An antibody-induced enhancement of the transducin-stimulated cyclic GMP phosphodiesterase activity. J Biol Chem 1989, 264 (28), 16679-88.
45. Carraway, K. L., 3rd; Koland, J. G.; Cerione, R. A., Location of the epidermal growth factor binding site on the EGF receptor. A resonance energy transfer study. Biochemistry 1990, 29 (37), 8741-7.
46. Cerione, R. A., Reconstitution of receptor/G protein-coupled signal transduction. In Receptors: A Practical Approach, Hulme, E. C., Ed. IRL Press: Oxford, England, 1990; pp 59-92.
47. Guy, P. M.; Koland, J. G.; Cerione, R. A., Rhodopsin-stimulated activation-deactivation cycle of transducin: kinetics of the intrinsic fluorescence response of the alpha subunit. Biochemistry 1990, 29 (30), 6954-64.
48. Hart, M. J.; Polakis, P. G.; Evans, T.; Cerione, R. A., The identification and characterization of an epidermal growth factor-stimulated phosphorylation of a specific low molecular weight GTP-binding protein in a reconstituted phospholipid vesicle system. J Biol Chem 1990, 265 (11), 5990-6001.
49. Koland, J. G.; Cerione, R. A., Activation of the EGF receptor tyrosine kinase by divalent metal ions: comparison of holoreceptor and isolated kinase domain properties. Biochim Biophys Acta 1990, 1052 (3), 489-98.
50. Koland, J. G.; O'Brien, K. M.; Cerione, R. A., Expression of epidermal growth factor receptor sequences as E. coli fusion proteins: applications in the study of tyrosine kinase function. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 1990, 166 (1), 90-100.
51. Shinjo, K.; Koland, J. G.; Hart, M. J.; Narasimhan, V.; Johnson, D. I.; Evans, T.; Cerione, R. A., Molecular cloning of the gene for the human placental GTP-binding protein Gp (G25K): identification of this GTP-binding protein as the human homolog of the yeast cell-division-cycle protein CDC42. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 1990, 87 (24), 9853-7.
52. Carraway, K. L., 3rd; Cerione, R. A., Comparison of epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor-receptor interactions in intact A431 cells and isolated plasma membranes. Large scale receptor micro-aggregation is not detected during EGF-stimulated early events. J Biol Chem 1991, 266 (14), 8899-906.
53. Cerione, R. A., Reconstitution of receptor/GTP-binding protein interactions. Biochim Biophys Acta 1991, 1071 (4), 473-501.
54. Cerione, R. A.; Ross, E. M., Reconstitution of receptors and G proteins in phospholipid vesicles. Methods Enzymol 1991, 195, 329-42.
55. Erickson, J. W.; Cerione, R. A., Resonance energy transfer as a direct monitor of GTP-binding protein-effector interactions: activated alpha-transducin binding to the cGMP phosphodiesterase in the bovine phototransduction cascade. Biochemistry 1991, 30 (29), 7112-8.
56. Evans, T.; Hart, M. J.; Cerione, R. A., The Ras superfamilies: regulatory proteins and post-translational modifications. Curr Opin Cell Biol 1991, 3 (2), 185-91.
57. Hart, M. J.; Eva, A.; Evans, T.; Aaronson, S. A.; Cerione, R. A., Catalysis of guanine nucleotide exchange on the CDC42Hs protein by the dbl oncogene product. Nature 1991, 354 (6351), 311-4. link
58. Hart, M. J.; Shinjo, K.; Hall, A.; Evans, T.; Cerione, R. A., Identification of the human platelet GTPase activating protein for the CDC42Hs protein. J Biol Chem 1991, 266 (31), 20840-8.
59. Phillips, W. J.; Cerione, R. A., Labeling of the beta gamma subunit complex of transducin with an environmentally sensitive cysteine reagent. Use of fluorescence spectroscopy to monitor transducin subunit interactions. J Biol Chem 1991, 266 (17), 11017-24.
60. Phillips, W. J.; Cerione, R. A., Fluorescence investigations of receptor-mediated processes. In Fluorescence in Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Dewey, T. G., Ed. Plenum Publishing Corporation: New York, 1991; pp 135-167.
61. Guy, P. M.; Carraway, K. L., 3rd; Cerione, R. A., Biochemical comparisons of the normal and oncogenic forms of insect cell-expressed neu tyrosine kinases. J Biol Chem 1992, 267 (20), 13851-6.
62. Hart, M. J.; Maru, Y.; Leonard, D.; Witte, O. N.; Evans, T.; Cerione, R. A., A GDP dissociation inhibitor that serves as a GTPase inhibitor for the Ras-like protein CDC42Hs. Science 1992, 258 (5083), 812-5.
63. Leonard, D.; Hart, M. J.; Platko, J. V.; Eva, A.; Henzel, W.; Evans, T.; Cerione, R. A., The identification and characterization of a GDP-dissociation inhibitor (GDI) for the CDC42Hs protein. J Biol Chem 1992, 267 (32), 22860-8.
64. Narasimhan, V.; Hamill, O.; Cerione, R. A., The effects of the normal and oncogenic forms of the neu tyrosine kinase, and the corresponding forms of an immunoglobulin E receptor/neu tyrosine kinase fusion protein, on Xenopus oocyte maturation. FEBS Lett 1992, 303 (2-3), 164-8.
65. Phillips, W. J.; Cerione, R. A., Rhodopsin/transducin interactions. I. Characterization of the binding of the transducin-beta gamma subunit complex to rhodopsin using fluorescence spectroscopy. J Biol Chem 1992, 267 (24), 17032-9.
66. Phillips, W. J.; Wong, S. C.; Cerione, R. A., Rhodopsin/transducin interactions. II. Influence of the transducin-beta gamma subunit complex on the coupling of the transducin-alpha subunit to rhodopsin. J Biol Chem 1992, 267 (24), 17040-6.
67. Adra, C. N.; Ko, J.; Leonard, D.; Wirth, L. J.; Cerione, R. A.; Lim, B., Identification of a novel protein with GDP dissociation inhibitor activity for the ras-like proteins CDC42Hs and rac I. Genes Chromosomes Cancer 1993, 8 (4), 253-61.
68. Barfod, E. T.; Zheng, Y.; Kuang, W. J.; Hart, M. J.; Evans, T.; Cerione, R. A.; Ashkenazi, A., Cloning and expression of a human CDC42 GTPase-activating protein reveals a functional SH3-binding domain. J Biol Chem 1993, 268 (35), 26059-62.
69. Carraway, K. L., 3rd; Cerione, R. A., Inhibition of epidermal growth factor receptor aggregation by an antibody directed against the epidermal growth factor receptor extracellular domain. J Biol Chem 1993, 268 (32), 23860-7.
70. Carraway, K. L., 3rd; Cerione, R. A., Fluorescent-labeled growth factor molecules serve as probes for receptor binding and endocytosis. Biochemistry 1993, 32 (45), 12039-45.
71. Erickson, J. W.; Cerione, R. A., Regulation of the cGMP phosphodiesterase in bovine rod outer segments. Use of resonance energy transfer to distinguish between associative and dissociative activation mechanisms. J Biol Chem 1993, 268 (5), 3328-33.
72. Hart, M. J.; Leonard, D.; Shinjo, K.; Evans, T.; Cerione, R. A., The Gp/G25K Protein: The mammalian homolog for the yeast cell-division-cycle protein, CDC42. In The ras superfamily of GTPases, Lacal, J. C.; McCormick, F., Eds. CRC Press, Inc: 1993.
73. Hart, M. J.; Leonard, D.; Zheng, Y.; Shinjo, K.; Evans, T.; Cerione, R. A., The mammalian homolog of the yeast cell-division-cycle protein, CDC42Hs: Evidence for the involvement of a rho-subtype GTP-binding protein in cell growth regulation. In Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology: GTPases in Biology I and II, Dickey, B.; Birnbaumer, L., Eds. Springer-Verlag: Berlin, 1993; Vol. 108, pp 580-595.
74. Zheng, Y.; Hart, M. J.; Shinjo, K.; Evans, T.; Bender, A.; Cerione, R. A., Biochemical comparisons of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae Bem2 and Bem3 proteins. Delineation of a limit Cdc42 GTPase-activating protein domain. J Biol Chem 1993, 268 (33), 24629-34.
75. Carraway, K. L., 3rd; Sliwkowski, M. X.; Akita, R.; Platko, J. V.; Guy, P. M.; Nuijens, A.; Diamonti, A. J.; Vandlen, R. L.; Cantley, L. C.; Cerione, R. A., The erbB3 gene product is a receptor for heregulin. J Biol Chem 1994, 269 (19), 14303-6.
76. Cerione, R. A., Fluorescence assays for G protein interactions. In G proteins and Signal Transduction Methods in Enzymology, Iyengar, R., Ed. 1994; Vol. 237, pp 409-423.
77. Gamett, D. C.; Cerione, R. A., Oncogenically activated or ligand-stimulated neu kinase stimulates neurite outgrowth in PC12 cells. FEBS Lett 1994, 351 (3), 335-9.
78. Guy, P. M.; Platko, J. V.; Cantley, L. C.; Cerione, R. A.; Carraway, K. L., 3rd, Insect cell-expressed p180erbB3 possesses an impaired tyrosine kinase activity. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 1994, 91 (17), 8132-6.
79. Hart, M. J.; Eva, A.; Zangrilli, D.; Aaronson, S. A.; Evans, T.; Cerione, R. A.; Zheng, Y., Cellular transformation and guanine nucleotide exchange activity are catalyzed by a common domain on the dbl oncogene product. J Biol Chem 1994, 269 (1), 62-5.
80. Leonard, D. A.; Evans, T.; Hart, M.; Cerione, R. A.; Manor, D., Investigation of the GTP-binding/GTPase cycle of Cdc42Hs using fluorescence spectroscopy. Biochemistry 1994, 33 (40), 12323-8.
81. Mittal, R.; Cerione, R. A.; Erickson, J. W., Aluminum fluoride activation of bovine transducin induces two distinct conformational changes in the alpha subunit. Biochemistry 1994, 33 (33), 10178-84.
82. Peterson, J.; Zheng, Y.; Bender, L.; Myers, A.; Cerione, R.; Bender, A., Interactions between the bud emergence proteins Bem1p and Bem2p and Rho-type GTPases in yeast. J Cell Biol 1994, 127 (5), 1395-406.
83. Phillips, W. J.; Cerione, R. A., A C-terminal peptide of bovine rhodopsin binds to the transducin alpha-subunit and facilitates its activation. Biochem J 1994, 299 ( Pt 2), 351-7.
84. Sliwkowski, M. X.; Schaefer, G.; Akita, R. W.; Lofgren, J. A.; Fitzpatrick, V. D.; Nuijens, A.; Fendly, B. M.; Cerione, R. A.; Vandlen, R. L.; Carraway, K. L., 3rd, Coexpression of erbB2 and erbB3 proteins reconstitutes a high affinity receptor for heregulin. J Biol Chem 1994, 269 (20), 14661-5.
85. Sutcliffe, M. J.; Feltham, J. L.; Cerione, R. A.; Oswald, R. E., Model building predicts and additional conformational switch when GTP binds to Cdc42Hs protein. Protein and peptide letters 1994, 1, 84-91.
86. Zheng, Y.; Bagrodia, S.; Cerione, R. A., Activation of phosphoinositide 3-kinase activity by Cdc42Hs binding to p85. J Biol Chem 1994, 269 (29), 18727-30.
87. Zheng, Y.; Cerione, R.; Bender, A., Control of the yeast bud-site assembly GTPase Cdc42. Catalysis of guanine nucleotide exchange by Cdc24 and stimulation of GTPase activity by Bem3. J Biol Chem 1994, 269 (4), 2369-72.
88. Bagrodia, S.; Derijard, B.; Davis, R. J.; Cerione, R. A., Cdc42 and PAK-mediated signaling leads to Jun kinase and p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase activation. J Biol Chem 1995, 270 (47), 27995-8.
89. Bagrodia, S.; Taylor, S. J.; Creasy, C. L.; Chernoff, J.; Cerione, R. A., Identification of a mouse p21Cdc42/Rac activated kinase. J Biol Chem 1995, 270 (39), 22731-7.
90. Cerione, R. A., Cdc42Hs. In Guidebook to the small GTPases, Huber, L. A.; Zerial, M.; Tooze, J., Eds. Oxford Univerity Press: 1995.
91. Cerione, R. A., Dbl. In Guidebook to the small GTPases, Huber, L. A.; Zerial, M.; Tooze, J., Eds. Oxford University Press: 1995.
92. Cerione, R. A.; Leonard, D.; Zheng, Y., Purification of baculovirus-expressed Cdc42Hs. In Small GTPases and their regulators. Methods in Enzymology, Balch, W. E.; Der, C. J.; Hall, A., Eds. 1995; Vol. 256, pp 11-15.
93. Cicchetti, P.; Ridley, A. J.; Zheng, Y.; Cerione, R. A.; Baltimore, D., 3BP-1, an SH3 domain binding protein, has GAP activity for Rac and inhibits growth factor-induced membrane ruffling in fibroblasts. EMBO J 1995, 14 (13), 3127-35.
94. Erickson, J. W.; Mittal, R.; Cerione, R. A., Use of resonance energy transfer to determine the proximity of the guanine nucleotide binding site of transducin relative to a conformationally-sensitive site on the gamma subunit of the cyclic GMP phosphodiesterase. Biochemistry 1995, 34 (27), 8693-700.
95. Gamett, D. C.; Greene, T.; Wagreich, A. R.; Kim, H. H.; Koland, J. G.; Cerione, R. A., Heregulin-stimulated signaling in rat pheochromocytoma cells. Evidence for ErbB3 interactions with Neu/ErbB2 and p85. J Biol Chem 1995, 270 (32), 19022-7.
96. Leonard, D. A.; Cerione, R. A., Solubilization of Cdc42Hs from membranes by Rho-GDP dissociation inhibitor. Methods Enzymol 1995, 256, 98-105.
97. Platko, J. V.; Leonard, D. A.; Adra, C. N.; Shaw, R. J.; Cerione, R. A.; Lim, B., A single residue can modify target-binding affinity and activity of the functional domain of the Rho-subfamily GDP dissociation inhibitors. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 1995, 92 (7), 2974-8.
98. Singh, U. S.; Erickson, J. W.; Cerione, R. A., Identification and biochemical characterization of an 80 kilodalton GTP-binding/transglutaminase from rabbit liver nuclei. Biochemistry 1995, 34 (48), 15863-71.
99. Zheng, Y.; Bender, A.; Cerione, R. A., Interactions among proteins involved in bud-site selection and bud-site assembly in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. J Biol Chem 1995, 270 (2), 626-30.
100. Zheng, Y.; Hart, M. J.; Cerione, R. A., Guanine nucleotide exchange catalyzed by dbl oncogene product. Methods Enzymol 1995, 256, 77-84.
101. Zheng, Y.; Olson, M. F.; Hall, A.; Cerione, R. A.; Toksoz, D., Direct involvement of the small GTP-binding protein Rho in lbc oncogene function. J Biol Chem 1995, 270 (16), 9031-4.
102. Cerione, R. A.; Zheng, Y., The Dbl family of oncogenes. Curr Opin Cell Biol 1996, 8 (2), 216-22.
103. Erickson, J. W.; Zhang, C.; Kahn, R. A.; Evans, T.; Cerione, R. A., Mammalian Cdc42 is a brefeldin A-sensitive component of the Golgi apparatus. J Biol Chem 1996, 271 (43), 26850-4.
104. Glaven, J. A.; Whitehead, I. P.; Nomanbhoy, T.; Kay, R.; Cerione, R. A., Lfc and Lsc oncoproteins represent two new guanine nucleotide exchange factors for the Rho GTP-binding protein. J Biol Chem 1996, 271 (44), 27374-81.
105. McCallum, S. J.; Wu, W. J.; Cerione, R. A., Identification of a putative effector for Cdc42Hs with high sequence similarity to the RasGAP-related protein IQGAP1 and a Cdc42Hs binding partner with similarity to IQGAP2. J Biol Chem 1996, 271 (36), 21732-7.
106. Mittal, R.; Erickson, J. W.; Cerione, R. A., Uncoupling of GTP binding from target stimulation by a single mutation in the transducin alpha subunit. Science 1996, 271 (5254), 1413-6.
107. Nomanbhoy, T. K.; Cerione, R., Characterization of the interaction between RhoGDI and Cdc42Hs using fluorescence spectroscopy. J Biol Chem 1996, 271 (17), 10004-9.
108. Nomanbhoy, T. K.; Leonard, D. A.; Manor, D.; Cerione, R. A., Investigation of the GTP-binding/GTPase cycle of Cdc42Hs using extrinsic reporter group fluorescence. Biochemistry 1996, 35 (14), 4602-8. link
109. Singh, U. S.; Cerione, R. A., Biochemical effects of retinoic acid on GTP-binding Protein/Transglutaminases in HeLa cells. Stimulation of GTP-binding and transglutaminase activity, membrane association, and phosphatidylinositol lipid turnover. J Biol Chem 1996, 271 (44), 27292-8.
110. Zheng, Y.; Glaven, J. A.; Wu, W. J.; Cerione, R. A., Phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate provides an alternative to guanine nucleotide exchange factors by stimulating the dissociation of GDP from Cdc42Hs. J Biol Chem 1996, 271 (39), 23815-9.
111. Zheng, Y.; Zangrilli, D.; Cerione, R. A.; Eva, A., The pleckstrin homology domain mediates transformation by oncogenic dbl through specific intracellular targeting. J Biol Chem 1996, 271 (32), 19017-20.
112. Adra, C. N.; Manor, D.; Ko, J. L.; Zhu, S.; Horiuchi, T.; Van Aelst, L.; Cerione, R. A.; Lim, B., RhoGDIgamma: a GDP-dissociation inhibitor for Rho proteins with preferential expression in brain and pancreas. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 1997, 94 (9), 4279-84.
113. Berger, A. L.; Cerione, R. A.; Erickson, J. W., Real time conformational changes in the retinal phosphodiesterase gamma subunit monitored by resonance energy transfer. J Biol Chem 1997, 272 (5), 2714-21.
114. Erickson, J. W.; Cerione, R. A.; Hart, M. J., Identification of an actin cytoskeletal complex that includes IQGAP and the Cdc42 GTPase. J Biol Chem 1997, 272 (39), 24443-7.
115. Feltham, J. L.; Dotsch, V.; Raza, S.; Manor, D.; Cerione, R. A.; Sutcliffe, M. J.; Wagner, G.; Oswald, R. E., Definition of the switch surface in the solution structure of Cdc42Hs. Biochemistry 1997, 36 (29), 8755-66. link
116. Gamett, D. C.; Pearson, G.; Cerione, R. A.; Friedberg, I., Secondary dimerization between members of the epidermal growth factor receptor family. J Biol Chem 1997, 272 (18), 12052-6.
117. Gosser, Y. Q.; Nomanbhoy, T. K.; Aghazadeh, B.; Manor, D.; Combs, C.; Cerione, R. A.; Rosen, M. K., C-terminal binding domain of Rho GDP-dissociation inhibitor directs N-terminal inhibitory peptide to GTPases. Nature 1997, 387 (6635), 814-9. link
118. Leonard, D. A.; Satoskar, R. S.; Wu, W. J.; Bagrodia, S.; Cerione, R. A.; Manor, D., Use of a fluorescence spectroscopic readout to characterize the interactions of Cdc42Hs with its target/effector, mPAK-3. Biochemistry 1997, 36 (5), 1173-80. link
119. Li, Q.; Cerione, R. A., Communication between switch II and switch III of the transducin alpha subunit is essential for target activation. J Biol Chem 1997, 272 (35), 21673-6.
120. Lin, R.; Bagrodia, S.; Cerione, R.; Manor, D., A novel Cdc42Hs mutant induces cellular transformation. Curr Biol 1997, 7 (10), 794-7.
121. Wu, W. J.; Leonard, D. A.; Cerione, R. A.; Manor, D., Interaction between Cdc42Hs and Rho-GDI is mediated through the Rho-insert region. J. Biol. Chem. 1997, 272, 26153-26158.
122. Yang, W.; Cerione, R. A., Cloning and characterization of a novel Cdc42-associated tyrosine kinase, ACK-2, from bovine brain. J Biol Chem 1997, 272 (40), 24819-24.
123. Allen, K. M.; Gleeson, J. G.; Bagrodia, S.; Partington, M. W.; MacMillan, J. C.; Cerione, R. A.; Mulley, J. C.; Walsh, C. A., PAK3 mutation in nonsyndromic X-linked mental retardation. Nat Genet 1998, 20 (1), 25-30. link
124. Bagrodia, S.; Taylor, S. J.; Jordon, K. A.; Van Aelst, L.; Cerione, R. A., A novel regulator of p21-activated kinases. J Biol Chem 1998, 273 (37), 23633-6.
125. Cerione, R., A difference of opinion or a matter of perspective? Trends in Biochemical Sciences 1998, 23 (3), 100-100.
126. Guo, W.; Sutcliffe, M. J.; Cerione, R. A.; Oswald, R. E., Identification of the binding surface on Cdc42Hs for p21-activated kinase. Biochemistry 1998, 37 (40), 14030-7. link
127. Hoffman, G. R.; Nassar, N.; Oswald, R. E.; Cerione, R. A., Fluoride activation of the Rho family GTP-binding protein Cdc42Hs. J Biol Chem 1998, 273 (8), 4392-9.
128. Leonard, D. A.; Lin, R.; Cerione, R. A.; Manor, D., Biochemical studies of the mechanism of action of the Cdc42-GTPase-activating protein. J Biol Chem 1998, 273 (26), 16210-5.
129. McCallum, S. J.; Erickson, J. W.; Cerione, R. A., Characterization of the association of the actin-binding protein, IQGAP, and activated Cdc42 with Golgi membranes. J Biol Chem 1998, 273 (35), 22537-44.
130. Nassar, N.; Hoffman, G. R.; Manor, D.; Clardy, J. C.; Cerione, R. A., Structures of Cdc42 bound to the active and catalytically compromised forms of Cdc42GAP. Nat Struct Biol 1998, 5 (12), 1047-52. link
131. Nomanbhoy, T.; Cerione, R. A., Use of fluorescence spectroscopy to study the regulation of small G proteins. Methods Mol Biol 1998, 84, 237-47. link
132. Osman, M. A.; Cerione, R. A., Iqg1p, a yeast homologue of the mammalian IQGAPs, mediates cdc42p effects on the actin cytoskeleton. J Cell Biol 1998, 142 (2), 443-55.
133. Singh, U. S.; Li, Q.; Cerione, R., Identification of the eukaryotic initiation factor 5A as a retinoic acid-stimulated cellular binding partner for tissue transglutaminase II. J Biol Chem 1998, 273 (4), 1946-50.
134. Wu, W. J.; Lin, R.; Cerione, R. A.; Manor, D., Transformation activity of Cdc42 requires a region unique to Rho-related proteins. J Biol Chem 1998, 273 (27), 16655-8.
135. Bagrodia, S.; Bailey, D.; Lenard, Z.; Hart, M.; Guan, J. L.; Premont, R. T.; Taylor, S. J.; Cerione, R. A., A tyrosine-phosphorylated protein that binds to an important regulatory region on the cool family of p21-activated kinase-binding proteins. J Biol Chem 1999, 274 (32), 22393-400.
136. Bagrodia, S.; Cerione, R. A., Pak to the future. Trends Cell Biol 1999, 9 (9), 350-5.
137. Berger, A. L.; Cerione, R. A.; Erickson, J. W., Delineation of two functionally distinct gammaPDE binding sites on the bovine retinal cGMP phosphodiesterase by a mutant gammaPDE subunit. Biochemistry 1999, 38 (4), 1293-9. link
138. Chen, L. M.; Bagrodia, S.; Cerione, R. A.; Galan, J. E., Requirement of p21-activated kinase (PAK) for Salmonella typhimurium-induced nuclear responses. J Exp Med 1999, 189 (9), 1479-88.
139. Glaven, J. A.; Whitehead, I.; Bagrodia, S.; Kay, R.; Cerione, R. A., The Dbl-related protein, Lfc, localizes to microtubules and mediates the activation of Rac signaling pathways in cells. J Biol Chem 1999, 274 (4), 2279-85.
140. Li, Q.; Cerione, R. A., Assays for measuring receptor/G protein coupling. In Regulation of G protein-coupled receptor function and expression, Benovic, J. L., Ed. John Wiley and Sons: 1999.
141. Lin, R.; Cerione, R. A.; Manor, D., Specific contributions of the small GTPases Rho, Rac, and Cdc42 to Dbl transformation. J Biol Chem 1999, 274 (33), 23633-41.
142. Nomanbhoy, T.; Cerione, R. A., Fluorescence assays of Cdc42 interactions with target/effector proteins. Biochemistry 1999, 38 (48), 15878-84.
143. Nomanbhoy, T. K.; Erickson, J. W.; Cerione, R. A., Kinetics of Cdc42 membrane extraction by Rho-GDI monitored by real-time fluorescence resonance energy transfer. Biochemistry 1999, 38 (6), 1744-50. link
144. Wilson, K. F.; Fortes, P.; Singh, U. S.; Ohno, M.; Mattaj, I. W.; Cerione, R. A., The nuclear cap-binding complex is a novel target of growth factor receptor-coupled signal transduction. J Biol Chem 1999, 274 (7), 4166-73.
145. Yang, W.; Cerione, R. A., Endocytosis: Is dynamin a 'blue collar' or 'white collar' worker? Curr Biol 1999, 9 (14), R511-4.
146. Yang, W.; Lin, Q.; Guan, J. L.; Cerione, R. A., Activation of the Cdc42-associated tyrosine kinase-2 (ACK-2) by cell adhesion via integrin beta1. J Biol Chem 1999, 274 (13), 8524-30.
147. Cerione, R. A., Cell Signalint: A spider's web of architectural beauty and complexity. Cell 2000, 103, 555-556.
148. Hoffman, G. R.; Cerione, R. A., Flipping the switch: the structural basis for signaling through the CRIB motif. Cell 2000, 102 (4), 403-6.
149. Hoffman, G. R.; Nassar, N.; Cerione, R. A., Structure of the Rho family GTP-binding protein Cdc42 in complex with the multifunctional regulator RhoGDI. Cell 2000, 100 (3), 345-56.
150. Hong-Geller, E.; Cerione, R. A., Cdc42 and Rac stimulate exocytosis of secretory granules by activating the IP(3)/calcium pathway in RBL-2H3 mast cells. J Cell Biol 2000, 148 (3), 481-94.
151. Walker, S. J.; Wu, W. J.; Cerione, R. A.; Brown, H. A., Activation of phospholipase D1 by Cdc42 requires the Rho insert region. J Biol Chem 2000, 275 (21), 15665-8. link
152. Wilson, K. F.; Cerione, R. A., Signal transduction and post-transcriptional gene expression. Biol Chem 2000, 381 (5-6), 357-65. link
153. Wilson, K. F.; Wu, W. J.; Cerione, R. A., Cdc42 stimulates RNA splicing via the S6 kinase and a novel S6 kinase target, the nuclear cap-binding complex. J Biol Chem 2000, 275 (48), 37307-10. link
154. Wu, W. J.; Erickson, J. W.; Lin, R.; Cerione, R. A., The gamma-subunit of the coatomer complex binds Cdc42 to mediate transformation. Nature 2000, 405 (6788), 800-4. link
155. Antonyak, M. A.; Singh, U. S.; Lee, D. A.; Boehm, J. E.; Combs, C.; Zgola, M. M.; Page, R. L.; Cerione, R. A., Effects of tissue transglutaminase on retinoic acid-induced cellular differentiation and protection against apoptosis. J Biol Chem 2001, 276 (36), 33582-7. link
156. Erickson, J. W.; Cerione, R. A., Multiple roles for Cdc42 in cell regulation. Curr Opin Cell Biol 2001, 13 (2), 153-7.
157. Hoffman, G. R.; Cerione, R. A., Rac inserts its way into the immune response. Nat Immunol 2001, 2 (3), 194-6. link
158. Hong-Geller, E.; Holowka, D.; Siraganian, R. P.; Baird, B.; Cerione, R. A., Activated Cdc42/Rac reconstitutes Fcepsilon RI-mediated Ca2+ mobilization and degranulation in mutant RBL mast cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2001, 98 (3), 1154-9. link
159. Tu, S.; Cerione, R. A., Cdc42 is a substrate for caspases and influences Fas-induced apoptosis. J Biol Chem 2001, 276 (22), 19656-63. link
160. Yang, W.; Lin, Q.; Zhao, J.; Guan, J. L.; Cerione, R. A., The nonreceptor tyrosine kinase ACK2, a specific target for Cdc42 and a negative regulator of cell growth and focal adhesion complexes. J Biol Chem 2001, 276 (47), 43987-93. link
161. Yang, W.; Lo, C. G.; Dispenza, T.; Cerione, R. A., The Cdc42 target ACK2 directly interacts with clathrin and influences clathrin assembly. J Biol Chem 2001, 276 (20), 17468-73. link
162. Antonyak, M. A.; Boehm, J. E.; Cerione, R. A., Phosphoinositide 3-kinase activity is required for retinoic acid-induced expression and activation of the tissue transglutaminase. J Biol Chem 2002, 277 (17), 14712-6. link
163. Boehm, J. E.; Singh, U.; Combs, C.; Antonyak, M. A.; Cerione, R. A., Tissue transglutaminase protects against apoptosis by modifying the tumor suppressor protein p110 Rb. J Biol Chem 2002, 277 (23), 20127-30. link
164. Calero, G.; Wilson, K. F.; Ly, T.; Rios-Steiner, J. L.; Clardy, J. C.; Cerione, R. A., Structural basis of m7GpppG binding to the nuclear cap-binding protein complex. Nat Struct Biol 2002, 9 (12), 912-7. link
165. Daniel, S.; Noda, M.; Cerione, R. A.; Sharp, G. W., A link between Cdc42 and syntaxin is involved in mastoparan-stimulated insulin release. Biochemistry 2002, 41 (30), 9663-71.
166. Feng, Q.; Albeck, J. G.; Cerione, R. A.; Yang, W., Regulation of the Cool/Pix proteins: key binding partners of the Cdc42/Rac targets, the p21-activated kinases. J Biol Chem 2002, 277 (7), 5644-50. link
167. Fidyk, N. J.; Cerione, R. A., Understanding the catalytic mechanism of GTPase-activating proteins: demonstration of the importance of switch domain stabilization in the stimulation of GTP hydrolysis. Biochemistry 2002, 41 (52), 15644-53.
168. Hoffman, G. R.; Cerione, R. A., Signaling to the Rho GTPases: networking with the DH domain. FEBS Lett 2002, 513 (1), 85-91.
169. Lin, Q.; Lo, C. G.; Cerione, R. A.; Yang, W., The Cdc42 target ACK2 interacts with sorting nexin 9 (SH3PX1) to regulate epidermal growth factor receptor degradation. J Biol Chem 2002, 277 (12), 10134-8. link
170. Liu, S.; Cerione, R. A.; Clardy, J., Structural basis for the guanine nucleotide-binding activity of tissue transglutaminase and its regulation of transamidation activity. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2002, 99 (5), 2743-7. link
171. Osman, M. A.; Konopka, J. B.; Cerione, R. A., Iqg1p links spatial and secretion landmarks to polarity and cytokinesis. J Cell Biol 2002, 159 (4), 601-11. link
172. Smith, W. J.; Cerione, R. A., Crystallization and preliminary crystallographic analysis of the ezrin FERM domain. Acta Crystallogr D Biol Crystallogr 2002, 58 (Pt 8), 1359-61.
173. Tu, S. S.; Wu, W. J.; Yang, W.; Nolbant, P.; Hahn, K.; Cerione, R. A., Antiapoptotic Cdc42 mutants are potent activators of cellular transformation. Biochemistry 2002, 41 (41), 12350-8.
174. Antonyak, M. A.; McNeill, C. J.; Wakshlag, J. J.; Boehm, J. E.; Cerione, R. A., Activation of the Ras-ERK pathway inhibits retinoic acid-induced stimulation of tissue transglutaminase expression in NIH3T3 cells. J Biol Chem 2003, 278 (18), link
175. Cerione, R. A., Tissue transglutaminase: A unique GTP-binding/GTPase. In Handbook of Cell Signaling, Bradshaw, R., Ed. Elsevier Science: 2003; Vol. 2, pp 721-726.
176. Flanders, J. A.; Feng, Q.; Bagrodia, S.; Laux, M. T.; Singavarapu, A.; Cerione, R. A., The Cbl proteins are binding partners for the Cool/Pix family of p21-activated kinase-binding proteins. FEBS Lett 2003, 550 (1-3), 119-23.
177. Hoffman, G. R.; Rahl, P. B.; Collins, R. N.; Cerione, R. A., Conserved structural motifs in intracellular trafficking pathways: structure of the gammaCOP appendage domain. Mol Cell 2003, 12 (3), 615-25.
178. Lin, Q.; Fuji, R. N.; Yang, W.; Cerione, R. A., RhoGDI is required for Cdc42-mediated cellular transformation. Curr Biol 2003, 13 (17), 1469-79.
179. Smith, W. J.; Nassar, N.; Bretscher, A.; Cerione, R. A.; Karplus, P. A., Structure of the active N-terminal domain of Ezrin. Conformational and mobility changes identify keystone interactions. J Biol Chem 2003, 278 (7), 4949-56. link
180. Tu, S.; Wu, W. J.; Wang, J.; Cerione, R. A., Epidermal growth factor-dependent regulation of Cdc42 is mediated by the Src tyrosine kinase. J Biol Chem 2003, 278 (49), 49293-300. link
181. Wu, W. J.; Tu, S.; Cerione, R. A., Activated Cdc42 sequesters c-Cbl and prevents EGF receptor degradation. Cell 2003, 114 (6), 715-25.
182. Yang, W.; Cerione, R. A., Cdc42 and its cellular functions. In Handbook of Cell Signaling, Bradshaw, R., Ed. Elsevier Science: 2003; Vol. 2, pp 715-719.
183. Antonyak, M. A.; Miller, A. M.; Jansen, J. M.; Boehm, J. E.; Balkman, C. E.; Wakshlag, J. J.; Page, R. L.; Cerione, R. A., Augmentation of tissue transglutaminase expression and activation by epidermal growth factor inhibit doxorubicin-induced apoptosis in human breast cancer cells. J Biol Chem 2004, 279 (40), 41461-7. link
184. Brown, K. S.; Hill, C. C.; Calero, G. A.; Myers, C. R.; Lee, K. H.; Sethna, J. P.; Cerione, R. A., The statistical mechanics of complex signaling networks: nerve growth factor signaling. Phys Biol 2004, 1 (3-4), 184-95. link
185. Cerione, R. A., Cdc42: new roads to travel. Trends Cell Biol 2004, 14 (3), 127-32. link
186. Erickson, J. W.; Cerione, R. A., Structural elements, mechanism, and evolutionary convergence of Rho protein-guanine nucleotide exchange factor complexes. Biochemistry 2004, 43 (4), 837-42. link
187. Feng, Q.; Baird, D.; Cerione, R. A., Novel regulatory mechanisms for the Dbl family guanine nucleotide exchange factor Cool-2/alpha-Pix. EMBO J 2004, 23 (17), 3492-504. link
188. Fortier, L. A.; Deak, M. M.; Semevolos, S. A.; Cerione, R. A., Insulin-like growth factor-I diminishes the activation status and expression of the small GTPase Cdc42 in articular chondrocytes. J Orthop Res 2004, 22 (2), 436-45. link
189. Hoffman, G. R.; Cerione, R. A., Regulation of the Rho GTPases by RhoGDI. In Rho GTPases, Symons, M., Ed. Plenum Publishers: 2004; pp 32-43.
190. Majumdar, S.; Ramachandran, S.; Cerione, R. A., Perturbing the linker regions of the alpha-subunit of transducin: a new class of constitutively active GTP-binding proteins. J Biol Chem 2004, 279 (38), 40137-45. link
191. Ramachandran, S.; Cerione, R. A., Stabilization of an intermediate activation state for transducin by a fluorescent GTP analogue. Biochemistry 2004, 43 (27), 8778-86. link
192. Yang, W.; Jansen, J. M.; Lin, Q.; Canova, S.; Cerione, R. A.; Childress, C., Interaction of activated Cdc42-associated tyrosine kinase ACK2 with HSP90. Biochem J 2004, 382 (Pt 1), 199-204. link
193. Baird, D.; Feng, Q.; Cerione, R. A., The Cool-2/alpha-Pix protein mediates a Cdc42-Rac signaling cascade. Curr Biol 2005, 15 (1), 1-10. link
194. Osman, M.; Cerione, R., Actin doesn’t do the locomotion: Secretion drives cell polarization. In Protein Trafficking: Mechanisms and Regulation, Segev, N., Ed. 2005.
195. Pereira, R.; Cerione, R. A., A switch 3 point mutation in the alpha subunit of transducin yields a unique dominant-negative inhibitor. J Biol Chem 2005, 280 (42), 35696-703. link
196. Smith, W. J.; Hamel, B.; Yohe, M. E.; Sondek, J.; Cerione, R. A.; Snyder, J. T., A Cdc42 mutant specifically activated by intersectin. Biochemistry 2005, 44 (40), 13282-90. link
197. Wang, J. B.; Wu, W. J.; Cerione, R. A., Cdc42 and Ras cooperate to mediate cellular transformation by intersectin-L. J Biol Chem 2005, 280 (24), 22883-91. link
198. Antonyak, M. A.; Jansen, J. M.; Miller, A. M.; Ly, T. K.; Endo, M.; Cerione, R. A., Two isoforms of tissue transglutaminase mediate opposing cellular fates. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2006, 103 (49), 18609-14. link
199. Baird, D.; Feng, Q.; Cerione, R. A., Biochemical characterization of the Cool (Cloned-out-of-Library)/Pix (Pak-interactive exchange factor) proteins. Methods Enzymol 2006, 406, 58-69. link
200. Datta, S.; Antonyak, M. A.; Cerione, R. A., Importance of Ca(2+)-dependent transamidation activity in the protection afforded by tissue transglutaminase against doxorubicin-induced apoptosis. Biochemistry 2006, 45 (44), 13163-74. link
201. Feng, Q.; Baird, D.; Peng, X.; Wang, J.; Ly, T.; Guan, J. L.; Cerione, R. A., Cool-1 functions as an essential regulatory node for EGF receptor- and Src-mediated cell growth. Nat Cell Biol 2006, 8 (9), 945-56. link
202. Fidyk, N.; Wang, J. B.; Cerione, R. A., Influencing cellular transformation by modulating the rates of GTP hydrolysis by Cdc42. Biochemistry 2006, 45 (25), 7750-62. link
203. Lin, Q.; Yang, W.; Baird, D.; Feng, Q.; Cerione, R. A., Identification of a DOCK180-related guanine nucleotide exchange factor that is capable of mediating a positive feedback activation of Cdc42. J Biol Chem 2006, 281 (46), 35253-62. link
204. Lin, Q.; Yang, W.; Cerione, R. A., Measurement of epidermal growth factor receptor turnover and effects of Cdc42. Methods Enzymol 2006, 406, 614-25. link
205. Majumdar, S.; Ramachandran, S.; Cerione, R. A., New insights into the role of conserved, essential residues in the GTP binding/GTP hydrolytic cycle of large G proteins. J Biol Chem 2006, 281 (14), 9219-26. link
206. Ramachandran, S.; Cerione, R. A., How GPCRs hit the switch. Nat Struct Mol Biol 2006, 13 (9), 756-7. link
207. Wakshlag, J. J.; Antonyak, M. A.; Boehm, J. E.; Boehm, K.; Cerione, R. A., Effects of tissue transglutaminase on beta -amyloid1-42-induced apoptosis. Protein J 2006, 25 (1), 83-94. link10.1007/s10930-006-0009-1
208. Wakshlag, J. J.; McNeill, C. J.; Antonyak, M. A.; Boehm, J. E.; Fuji, R.; Balkman, C. E.; Zgola, M.; Cerione, R. A.; Page, R. L., Expression and activity of transglutaminase II in spontaneous tumours of dogs and cats. J Comp Pathol 2006, 134 (2-3), 202-10. link
209. Casey, F. P.; Baird, D.; Feng, Q.; Gutenkunst, R. N.; Waterfall, J. J.; Myers, C. R.; Brown, K. S.; Cerione, R. A.; Sethna, J. P., Optimal experimental design in an epidermal growth factor receptor signalling and down-regulation model. IET Syst Biol 2007, 1 (3), 190-202.
210. Datta, S.; Antonyak, M. A.; Cerione, R. A., GTP-binding-defective forms of tissue transglutaminase trigger cell death. Biochemistry 2007, 46 (51), 14819-29. link
211. Dias, S. M.; Cerione, R. A., X-ray crystal structures reveal two activated states for RhoC. Biochemistry 2007, 46 (22), 6547-58. link
212. DeRegis, C. J.; Rahl, P. B.; Hoffman, G. R.; Cerione, R. A.; Collins, R. N., Mutational analysis of betaCOP (Sec26p) identifies an appendage domain critical for function. BMC Cell Biol 2008, 9, 3. link
213. Erickson, J. W.; Cerione, R. A., A new tool for G protein analysis. ACS Chem Biol 2008, 3 (1), 24-6. link
214. Peng, X.; Wu, X.; Druso, J. E.; Wei, H.; Park, A. Y.; Kraus, M. S.; Alcaraz, A.; Chen, J.; Chien, S.; Cerione, R. A.; Guan, J. L., Cardiac developmental defects and eccentric right ventricular hypertrophy in cardiomyocyte focal adhesion kinase (FAK) conditional knockout mice. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2008, 105 (18), 6638-43. link
215. Phillips, M. J.; Calero, G.; Chan, B.; Ramachandran, S.; Cerione, R. A., Effector proteins exert an important influence on the signaling-active state of the small GTPase Cdc42. J Biol Chem 2008, 283 (20), 14153-64. link
216. Antonyak, M. A.; Cerione, R. A., Ras and the FAK paradox. Mol Cell 2009, 35 (2), 141-2. link
217. Antonyak, M. A.; Cerione, R. A., Tissue transglutaminase: A unique GTP-binding/GTPase. In Handbook of Cell Signaling, 2 ed.; Bradshaw, R.; Dennis, E., Eds. Elsevier Science: 2009.
218. Antonyak, M. A.; Li, B.; Regan, A. D.; Feng, Q.; Dusaban, S. S.; Cerione, R. A., Tissue transglutaminase is an essential participant in the epidermal growth factor-stimulated signaling pathway leading to cancer cell migration and invasion. J Biol Chem 2009, 284 (27), 17914-25. link
219. Dias, S. M.; Wilson, K. F.; Rojas, K. S.; Ambrosio, A. L.; Cerione, R. A., The molecular basis for the regulation of the cap-binding complex by the importins. Nat Struct Mol Biol 2009, 16 (9), 930-7. link
220. Endo, M.; Antonyak, M. A.; Cerione, R. A., Cdc42-mTOR signaling pathway controls Hes5 and Pax6 expression in retinoic acid-dependent neural differentiation. J Biol Chem 2009, 284 (8), 5107-18. link
221. Feng, Q.; Cerione, R. A., Cdc42 and its cellular functions. In Handbook of Cell Signaling, 2 ed.; Bradshaw, R.; Dennis, E., Eds. Elsevier Science: 2009.
222. Johnson, J. L.; Erickson, J. W.; Cerione, R. A., New insights into how the Rho guanine nucleotide dissociation inhibitor regulates the interaction of Cdc42 with membranes. J Biol Chem 2009, 284 (35), 23860-71. link
223. Dias, S. M.; Cerione, R. A.; Wilson, K. F., Unloading RNAs in the cytoplasm: An "importin" task. Nucleus 2010, 1 (2), 139-143. link
224. Erickson, J. W.; Cerione, R. A., Glutaminase: a hot spot for regulation of cancer cell metabolism? Oncotarget 2010, 1 (8), 734-40.
225. Feng, Q. Y.; Baird, D.; Yoo, S.; Antonyak, M.; Cerione, R. A., Phosphorylation of the Cool-1/beta-Pix Protein Serves as a Regulatory Signal for the Migration and Invasive Activity of Src-transformed Cells. Journal of Biological Chemistry 2010, 285 (24), 18806-18816. link
226. Li, B.; Antonyak, M. A.; Druso, J. E.; Cheng, L.; Nikitin, A. Y.; Cerione, R. A., EGF potentiated oncogenesis requires a tissue transglutaminase-dependent signaling pathway leading to Src activation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2010, 107 (4), 1408-1413. link
227. Ly, T. K.; Wang, J. B.; Pereira, R.; Rojas, K. S.; Peng, X.; Feng, Q. Y.; Cerione, R. A.; Wilson, K. F., Activation of the Ran GTPase Is Subject to Growth Factor Regulation and Can Give Rise to Cellular Transformation. Journal of Biological Chemistry 2010, 285 (8), 5815-5826. link
228. McConoughey, S. J.; Basso, M.; Niatsetskaya, Z. V.; Sleiman, S. F.; Smimova, N. A.; Langley, B. C.; Mahishi, L.; Cooper, A. J. L.; Antonyak, M. A.; Cerione, R. A.; Li, B.; Starkov, A.; Chaturvedi, R. K.; Beal, M. F.; Coppola, G.; Geschwind, D. H.; Ryu, H.; Xia, L.; Iisma, S. E.; Pallos, J.; Pasternack, R.; Hils, M.; Fan, J.; Raymond, L. A.; Marsh, J. L.; Thompson, L. M.; Ratan, R. R., Inhibition of transglutaminase 2 mitigates transcriptional dysregulation in models of Huntington's disease. Embo Molecular Medicine 2010, 2 (9), 349-370. link
229. Wang, J. B.; Erickson, J. W.; Fuji, R.; Ramachandran, S.; Gao, P.; Dinavahi, R.; Wilson, K. F.; Ambrosio, A. L. B.; Dias, S. M. G.; Dang, C. V.; Cerione, R. A., Targeting Mitochondrial Glutaminase Activity Inhibits Oncogenic Transformation. Cancer Cell 2010, 18 (3), 207-219. link
230. Antonyak, M. A.; Li, B.; Boroughs, L. K.; Johnson, J. L.; Druso, J. E.; Bryant, K. L.; Holowka, D. A.; Cerione, R. A., Cancer cell-derived microvesicles induce transformation by transferring tissue transglutaminase and fibronectin to recipient cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2011. link
231. Englich, U.; Kriksunov, I. A.; Cerione, R. A.; Cook, M. J.; Gillilan, R.; Gruner, S. M.; Huang, Q. Q.; Kim, C. U.; Miller, W.; Nielsen, S.; Schuller, D.; Smith, S.; Szebenyi, D. M. E., Microcrystallography, high-pressure cryocooling and BioSAXS at MacCHESS. Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 2011, 18, 70-73. link
232. Ramachandran, S.; Cerione, R. A., A dominant-negative G{alpha} mutant that traps a stable rhodopsin-G{alpha}-GTP-{beta}{gamma} complex. Journal of Biological Chemistry 2011, 286, 12702-12711.link
233. Wu, X.; Ramachandran, S.; Lin, M. C. J.; Cerione, R. A.; Erickson, J. W., A Minimal Rac Activation Domain in the Unconventional Guanine Nucleotide Exchange Factor Dock180. Biochemistry 2011, 50 (6), 1070-1080. link
234. Johnson, J.; Cerione, R. A.; Erickson, J. W., A quantitative fluorometric approach for measuring the interaction of RhoGDI with membranes and Rho GTPases. In Methods in Molecular Biology 2012, 827, 107-119.
235. Boroughs, L. K.; Antonyak, M. A.; Johnson, J. L.; Cerione, R. A., A unique role for heat shock protein 70 and its binding partner tissue transglutaminase in cancer cell migration. Journal of Biological Chemistry 2011, 286, 37094-37107. link
236. Du, J.; Zhou, Y.; Su, X.; Yu, J. J.; Khan, S.; Jiang, H.; Kim, J.; Woo, J.; Kim, J. H.; Choi, B. H.; He, B.; Chen, W.; Zhang, S.; Cerione, R. A.; Auwerx, J.; Hao, Q.; Lin, H., Sirt5 is a NAD-dependent protein lysine demalonylase and desuccinylase. Science 2011, 334, 806-809.. link
237. Li, B.; Cerione, R. A.; Antonyak, M. A., Tissue transglutaminase and its role in human cancer. In Advances in Enzymology and Related Areas of Molecular Biology (Toole, E. J., ed.), Wiley Publishing 2012, 78, 247-293. 238. Li, B.; Antonyak, M. A.; Zhang, J.; Cerione, R. A., RhoA triggers a specific signaling pathway that generates transforming microvesicles in cancer cells. Oncogene 2012, epub ahead of print. link
238. Johnson, J.; Erickson, J. W.; Cerione, R. A., B-terminal di-arginine motif of Cdc42 protein is essential for binding to phosphatidylinositol 4,5 bisphosphate-containing membranes and inducing cellular transformation. Journal of Biological Chemistry 2012, 287, 5764-5774. link
239. Basso, M.; Berlin, J.; Xia, L.; Sleiman, S.; Ko, B.; Haskew-Layton, R.; Kim, E.; Antonyak, M.; Cerione, R. A.; Iismaa, S.; Willis, D.; Cho, S.; Ratan, R., Transglutaminase inhibition protects against oxidative stress-induced neuronal death downstream of pathological ERK activation. The Journal of Neuroscience 2012, 32(19), 6561-6569. link
240. Singh, G.; Ramachandran, S.; Cerione, R. A., A constitutively active G{alpha} subunit provide insights into the mechanism of G protein activation. Biochemistry 2012, 51(15), 3232-3240. link
241. Katt, W. P.; Ramachandran, S.; Erickson, J. W.; Cerione, R. A., Dibenzophenanthridines as inhibitors of phsphate-activated glutaminase C and cancer cell proliferation. Molecular Cancer Therapeutics 2012, 11, 1269-1278. link
242. Milano, S. K.; Kwon, W.; Pereira, R.; Anonyak, M. A.; Cerione, R. A., Characterization of a novel activated Ran GTPase mutant and its ability to induce cellular transformation. Journal of Biological Chemistry 2012, epub ahead of print. link
243. Antonyak, M. A., Wilson, K. F., & Cerione, R. A. (2012). R(h)oads to microvesicles. Small GTPases, 3(4), 219–224. link
244. Yoo, S. M., Antonyak, M. A., & Cerione, R. A. (2012). The adaptor protein and Arf GTPase-activating protein Cat-1/Git-1 is required for cellular transformation. The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 287(37), 31462–31470. link
245. Zhou, Y., Zhang, H., He, B., Du, J., Lin, H., Cerione, R. A., & Hao, Q. (2012). The bicyclic intermediate structure provides insights into the desuccinylation mechanism of human sirtuin 5 (SIRT5). The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 287(34), 28307–28314. link
246. Katt, W. P., Ramachandran, S., Erickson, J. W., & Cerione, R. A. (2012). Dibenzophenanthridines as inhibitors of glutaminase C and cancer cell proliferation. Molecular Cancer Therapeutics, 11(6), 1269–1278. link
247. Bryant, K. L., Antonyak, M. A., Cerione, R. A., Baird, B., & Holowka, D. (2013). Mutations in the polybasic juxtamembrane sequence of both plasma membrane- and endoplasmic reticulum-localized epidermal growth factor receptors confer ligand-independent cell transformation. The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 288(48), 34930–34942. link
248. Moller, M., Nielsen, S. S., Ramachandran, S., Li, Y., Tria, G., Streicher, W., … Vestergaard, B. (2013). Small angle X-ray scattering studies of mitochondrial glutaminase C reveal extended flexible regions, and link oligomeric state with enzyme activity. PloS One, 8(9), e74783. link
249. Lukey, M. J., Wilson, K. F., & Cerione, R. A. (2013). Therapeutic strategies impacting cancer cell glutamine metabolism. Future Medicinal Chemistry, 5(14), 1685–1700. link
250. Jin, Y., Liu, Y., Lin, Q., Li, J., Druso, J. E., Antonyak, M. A., … Peng, X. (2013). Deletion of Cdc42 enhances ADAM17-mediated vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 shedding and impairs vascular endothelial cell survival and vasculogenesis. Molecular and Cellular Biology, 33(21), 4181–4197. link
251. Zhang, J., Antonyak, M. A., Singh, G., & Cerione, R. A. (2013). A mechanism for the upregulation of EGF receptor levels in glioblastomas. Cell Reports, 3(6), 2008–2020. link
252. Zhou, Y., Johnson, J. L., Cerione, R. A., & Erickson, J. W. (2013). Prenylation and membrane localization of Cdc42 are essential for activation by DOCK7. Biochemistry, 52(25), 4354–4363. link
253. Freisinger, T., Klunder, B., Johnson, J., Muller, N., Pichler, G., Beck, G., … Wedlich-Soldner, R. (2013). Establishment of a robust single axis of cell polarity by coupling multiple positive feedback loops. Nature Communications, 4, 1807. link
254. Wilson, K. F., Erickson, J. W., Antonyak, M. A., & Cerione, R. A. (2013). Rho GTPases and their roles in cancer metabolism. Trends in Molecular Medicine, 19(2), 74–82. link
255. Peng, X., Lin, Q., Liu, Y., Jin, Y., Druso, J. E., Antonyak, M. A., … Cerione, R. A. (2013). Inactivation of Cdc42 in embryonic brain results in hydrocephalus with ependymalcell defects in mice. Protein & Cell, 4(3), 231–242. link
256. Santana, S. M., Antonyak, M. A., Cerione, R. A., & Kirby, B. J. (2014). Cancerous epithelial cell lines shed extracellular vesicles with a bimodal size distribution that is sensitive to glutamine inhibition. Physical Biology, 11(6), 65001. link
257. Santana, S. M., Antonyak, M. A., Cerione, R. A., & Kirby, B. J. (2014). Microfluidic isolation of cancer-cell-derived microvesicles from hetergeneous extracellular shed vesicle populations. Biomedical Microdevices, 16(6), 869–877. link
258. Antonyak, M. A., & Cerione, R. A. (2014). Microvesicles as mediators of intercellular communication in cancer. Methods in Molecular Biology (Clifton, N.J.), 1165, 147–173. http://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4939-0856-1_11
259. Salamanca, H. H., Antonyak, M. A., Cerione, R. A., Shi, H., & Lis, J. T. (2014). Inhibiting heat shock factor 1 in human cancer cells with a potent RNA aptamer. PloS One, 9(5), e96330. link
260. Lin, M. J., Rojas, K. S., Cerione, R. A., & Wilson, K. F. (2014). Identification of mTORC2 as a necessary component of HRG/ErbB2-dependent cellular transformation. Molecular Cancer Research : MCR, 12(6), 940–952. link
261. Boroughs, L. K., Antonyak, M. A., & Cerione, R. A. (2014). A novel mechanism by which tissue transglutaminase activates signaling events that promote cell survival. The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 289(14), 10115–10125. link
262. Katt, W. P., & Cerione, R. A. (2014). Glutaminase regulation in cancer cells: a druggable chain of events. Drug Discovery Today, 19(4), 450–457. link
263. Katt, W. P., & Cerione, R. A. (2015). Less than the sum of its parts, a leinamycin precursor has superior properties. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 112(27), 8164–8165. link
264. Choi, H. W., Tian, M., Song, F., Venereau, E., Preti, A., Park, S.-W., … Klessig, D. F. (2015). Aspirin’s Active Metabolite Salicylic Acid Targets High Mobility Group Box 1 to Modulate Inflammatory Responses. Molecular Medicine (Cambridge, Mass.), 21, 526–535. link
265. Antonyak, M. A., & Cerione, R. A. (2015). Emerging picture of the distinct traits and functions of microvesicles and exosomes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 112(12), 3589–3590. link
266. Stalnecker, C. A., Ulrich, S. M., Li, Y., Ramachandran, S., McBrayer, M. K., DeBerardinis, R. J., … Erickson, J. W. (2015). Mechanism by which a recently discovered allosteric inhibitor blocks glutamine metabolism in transformed cells. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 112(2), 394–399. link
267. Katt, W. P., Antonyak, M. A., & Cerione, R. A. (2015). Simultaneously targeting tissue transglutaminase and kidney type glutaminase sensitizes cancer cells to acid toxicity and offers new opportunities for therapeutic intervention. Molecular Pharmaceutics, 12(1), 46–55. link
268. Stalnecker, C. A., Cluntun, A. A., & Cerione, R. A. (2016). Balancing redox stress: anchorage-independent growth requires reductive carboxylation. Translational Cancer Research, 5(Suppl 3), S433–S437. link
269. Kreger, B. T., Johansen, E. R., Cerione, R. A., & Antonyak, M. A. (2016). The Enrichment of Survivin in Exosomes from Breast Cancer Cells Treated with Paclitaxel Promotes Cell Survival and Chemoresistance. Cancers, 8(12). link
270. Song, Y. H., Warncke, C., Choi, S. J., Choi, S., Chiou, A. E., Ling, L., … Fischbach, C. (2016). Breast cancer-derived extracellular vesicles stimulate myofibroblast differentiation and pro-angiogenic behavior of adipose stem cells. Matrix Biology : Journal of the International Society for Matrix Biology. link
271. Antonyak, M. A., & Cerione, R. A. (2016). The distinct traits of extracellular vesicles generated by transformed cells. Small GTPases, 1–6. link
272. Bussche, L., Rauner, G., Antonyak, M., Syracuse, B., McDowell, M., Brown, A. M. C., … Van de Walle, G. R. (2016). Microvesicle-mediated Wnt/beta-Catenin Signaling Promotes Interspecies Mammary Stem/Progenitor Cell Growth. The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 291(47), 24390–24405. link
273. Li, Y., Erickson, J. W., Stalnecker, C. A., Katt, W. P., Huang, Q., Cerione, R. A., & Ramachandran, S. (2016). Mechanistic Basis of Glutaminase Activation: A KEY ENZYME THAT PROMOTES GLUTAMINE METABOLISM IN CANCER CELLS. The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 291(40), 20900–20910. link
274. Kreger, B. T., Dougherty, A. L., Greene, K. S., Cerione, R. A., & Antonyak, M. A. (2016). Microvesicle Cargo and Function Changes upon Induction of Cellular Transformation. The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 291(38), 19774–19785. link
275. Zhang, X., Khan, S., Jiang, H., Antonyak, M. A., Chen, X., Spiegelman, N. A., … Lin, H. (2016). Identifying the functional contribution of the defatty-acylase activity of SIRT6. Nature Chemical Biology, 12(8), 614–620. link
276. Desrochers, L. M., Bordeleau, F., Reinhart-King, C. A., Cerione, R. A., & Antonyak, M. A. (2016). Microvesicles provide a mechanism for intercellular communication by embryonic stem cells during embryo implantation. Nature Communications, 7, 11958. link
277. Desrochers, L. M., Antonyak, M. A., & Cerione, R. A. (2016). Extracellular Vesicles: Satellites of Information Transfer in Cancer and Stem Cell Biology. Developmental Cell, 37(4), 301–309. link
278. Lukey, M. J., Greene, K. S., Erickson, J. W., Wilson, K. F., & Cerione, R. A. (2016). The oncogenic transcription factor c-Jun regulates glutaminase expression and sensitizes cells to glutaminase-targeted therapy. Nature Communications, 7, 11321. link
279. Hall, J., Prabhakar, S., Balaj, L., Lai, C. P., Cerione, R. A., & Breakefield, X. O. (2016). Delivery of Therapeutic Proteins via Extracellular Vesicles: Review and Potential Treatments for Parkinson’s Disease, Glioma, and Schwannoma. Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology, 36(3), 417–427. link
280. Druso, J. E., Endo, M., Lin, M.-C. J., Peng, X., Antonyak, M. A., Meller, S., & Cerione, R. A. (2016). An Essential Role for Cdc42 in the Functioning of the Adult Mammary Gland. The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 291(17), 8886–8895. link
281. Singh, G., Zhang, J., Ma, Y., Cerione, R. A., & Antonyak, M. A. (2016). The Different Conformational States of Tissue Transglutaminase Have Opposing Affects on Cell Viability. The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 291(17), 9119–9132. link
282. Bordeleau, F., Chan, B., Antonyak, M. A., Lampi, M. C., Cerione, R. A., & Reinhart-King, C. A. (2016). Microvesicles released from tumor cells disrupt epithelial cell morphology and contractility. Journal of Biomechanics, 49(8), 1272–1279. link
283. Sullivan, K. E., Rojas, K., Cerione, R. A., Nakano, I., & Wilson, K. F. (2017). The stem cell/cancer stem cell marker ALDH1A3 regulates the expression of the survival factor tissue transglutaminase, in mesenchymal glioma stem cells. Oncotarget, 8(14), 22325–22343. link
284. Cluntun, A. A., Lukey, M. J., Cerione, R. A., & Locasale, J. W. (2017). Glutamine Metabolism in Cancer: Understanding the Heterogeneity. Trends in Cancer, 3(3), 169–180. link
285. Cerione, R. A. (2017). The experiences of a biochemist in the evolving world of G protein-dependent signaling. Cellular Signalling. link
286. Feng, Q., Zhang, C., Lum, D., Druso, J. E., Blank, B., Wilson, K. F., … Cerione, R. A. (2017). A class of extracellular vesicles from breast cancer cells activates VEGF receptors and tumour angiogenesis. Nature Communications, 8, 14450. link
287. Stalnecker, C. A., Erickson, J. W., & Cerione, R. A. (2017). Conformational changes in the activation loop of mitochondrial glutaminase C: A direct fluorescence readout that distinguishes the binding of allosteric inhibitors from activators. The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 292(15), 6095–6107. link
288. Katt, W. P., Lukey, M. J., & Cerione, R. A. (2017). A tale of two glutaminases: homologous enzymes with distinct roles in tumorigenesis. Future Medicinal Chemistry, 9(2), 223–243. link
289. French, K. C., Antonyak, M. A., & Cerione, R. A. (2017). Extracellular vesicle docking at the cellular port: Extracellular vesicle binding and uptake. Seminars in Cell & Developmental Biology 67, 48-55. link
290. Yoo, S. M., Latifkar, A., Cerione, R. A., & Antonyak, M. A. (2017). Cool-associated Tyrosine-phosphorylated Protein 1 Is Required for the Anchorage-independent Growth of Cervical Carcinoma Cells by Binding Paxillin and Promoting AKT Activation. The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 292(9), 3947–3957. link
291. Lukey, M. J., Katt, W. P., & Cerione, R. A. (2017). Targeting amino acid metabolism for cancer therapy. Drug Discovery Today, 22(5), 796–804. link
292. Sullivan, K.E., Cerione, R.A., & Wilson, K.R. (2017). ALDH1A3 in CSCs. Aging, 9(5), 1351-1352. link
293. de Opakua, A.I., Parag-Sharma, K., DiGiacomo, V., Merino, N., Leyme, A., Marivin, A., Villate, M., Nguyen, L.T., de la Cruz-Morcillo, M.A., Blanco-Canosa, J.B., Ramachandran, S., Baillie, G.S., Cerione, R.A., Blanco, F.J., & Garcia-Marcos, M. (2017). Molecular mechanism of Gai activation by non-GPCR proteins with a Ga-Binding and Activating motif. Nature Communications, 8, 15163. link
294. Song, Y.H., Warncke, C., Choi, S.J., Choi, S., Chiou, A.E., Ling, L., Liu, H.Y., Daniel, S., Antonyak, M.A., Cerione, R.A., & Fischbach, C. (2017) Breast cancer-derived extracellular vesicles stimulate myofibroblast differentiation and pro-angiogenic behavior of adipose stem cells. Matrix Biology, 60-61, 190-205. link
295. Gao, Y., Westfield, G., Erickson, J.W., Cerione, R.A., Skiniotis, G., & Ramachandran, S. (2017) Isolation and structure-function characterization of a signaling-active rhodopsin-G protein complex. The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 292(34), 14280-14289. link
296. Katt, W.P., Antonyak, M.A., & Cerione, R.A. (2018) Opening up about tissue transglutaminase: when conformation matters more than enzymatic activity. Med One, 3(6), e180011. link
297. Katt, W.P., Antonyak, M.A., & Cerione, R.A. (2018) The diamond anniversary of tissue transglutaminase: a protein of many talents. Drug Discovery Today, 25(3), 575-591. link
298. Huang, Q., Stalnecker, C., Zhang, C., McDermott, L.A., Iyer, P., O’Neill, J., Reimer, S., Cerione, R.A., & Katt, W.P. (2018) Characterization of the interactions of potent allosteric inhibitors with glutaminase C, a key enzyme in cancer cell glutamine metabolism. The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 293(10), 3535-3545. link
299. Lukey, M.J., Katt, W.P., & Cerione, R.A. (2018) Targeting therapy resistance: when glutamine catabolism becomes essential. Cancer Cell, 33(5), 795-797. link
300. Antonyak, M.A., & Cerione, R.A. (2018) The distinct traits of extracellular vesicles generated by transformed cells. Small GTPases, 9(5), 427-432. link
301. Katt, W.P., Blobel, N.J., Komarova, S., Antonyak, M.A., Nakano, I., & Cerione, R.A. (2018) A small molecule regulator of tissue transglutaminase conformation inhibits the malignant phenotype of cancer cells. Oncotarget, 9(76), 24279-24397. link
302. Latifkar, A., Cerione, R.A., & Antonyak, M.A. (2018) Probing the mechanisms of extracellular vesicle biogenesis and function in cancer. Biochemical Society Transactions, 46(5), 1137-1146. link
303. Milano, S.K., Wang, C., Erickson, J.W., Cerione, R.A., & Ramachandran, S. (2018) Gain-of-function screen of a-transducin identifies an essential phenylalanine residue necessary for full effector activation. The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 293(46), 17941-17952. link
304. Gao, Y., Erickson, J.W., Cerione, R.A., & Ramachandran, S. (2019) Purification of the Rhodopsin-Transducin complex for structural studies. Methods in Molecular Biology, 2009, 307-315. link
305. Gao, Y., Erickson, J.W., Cerione, R.A., & Ramachandran, S. (2019) Reconstitution of the Rhodopsin-Transducing complex into lipid nanodiscs. Methods in Molecular Biology, 2009, 317-324. link
306. Kohle, F.F.E., Hinckley, J.A., Li, S., Dhawan, N., Katt, W.P., Erstling, J.A., Werner-Zwanziger, U., Zwanziger, J., Cerione, R.A., & Wiesner, U.B. (2019) Amorphous Quantum Nanomaterials. Advanced Materials, 31(5), e1806993. link
307. Antonyak, M.A., Lukey, M.J., & Cerione, R.A. (2019) Lipid-filled vesicles modulate macrophages. Science, 363(6430), 931-932. link
308. Latifkar, A., Ling, L., Hingorani, A., Johansen, E., Clement, A., Zhang, X., Hartman, J., Fischbach, C., Lin, H., Cerione, R.A., & Antonyak, M.A. (2019) Loss of Sirtuin 1 alters the secretome of breast cancer cells by impairing lysosomal integrity. Developmental Cell, 49(3), 393-408. link
309. Katt, W.P., & Cerione, R.A. (2019) Inhibition of cancer metabolism: a patent landscape. Pharmaceutical Patent Analyst, 8(4), 117-138. link
310. Latifkar, A., Hur, Y.H., Sanchez, J.C., Cerione, R.A., & Antonyak, M.A. (2019) New insights into extracellular vesicle biogenesis and function. Journal of Cell Science 132(13), jcs222406. link
311. Schwager, S.C., Bordeleau, F., Zhang, J., Antonyak, M.A., Cerione, R.A., & Reinhart-King, C.A. (2019) Matrix stiffness regulates microvesicle-induced fibroblast activation. American Journal of Physiology - Cell Physiology, 317(1), C82-C92. link
312. Gao, Y., Hu, H., Ramachandra, S., Erickson, J.W., Cerione, R.A., & Skiniotis, G. (2019) Structures of the Rhodopsin-Transducin complex: insights into G-protein activation. Molecular Cell, 75(4), 781-790. link
313. Katt, W.P., Lukey, M.J., & Cerione, R.A. (2019) Starving the devourer: cutting cancer off from its favorite foods. Cell Chemical Biology, 26(9), 1197-1199. link
314. Lukey, M.J., Cluntun, A.A., Katt, W.P., Lin, M.J., Druso, J.E., Ramachandran, S., Erickson, J.W., Le, H.H., Wang, Z.E., Blank, B., Greene, K.S., & Cerione, R.A. (2019) Liver-type glutaminase GLS2 is a druggable metabolic node in luminal-subtype breast cancer. Cell Reports, 29(1), 76-88. link
315. Hur, Y.H., Cerione, R.A., & Antonyak, M.A. (2019) Extracellular vesicles and their roles in stem cell biology. Stem Cells. link
316. Greene, K.S., Lukey, M.J., Wang, X., Blank, B., Druso, J.E., Lin, M.J., Stalnecker, C.A., Zhang, C., Negron Abril, Y., Erickson, J.W., Wilson, K.F., Lin, H., Weiss, R.S., & Cerione, R.A. (2019) Sirt5 stabilizes mitochondrial glutaminase and supports breast cancer tumorigenesis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 201911954. link
317. Bordeleau, F., Wang, W., Simmons, A., Antonyak, M.A., Cerione, R.A., & Reinhart-King, C.A. (2020) Tissue transglutaminase 2 regulates tumor cell tensional homeostasis by increasing contractility. Journal of Cell Science, 133(1), jcs231134. link
318. Li, Y., Ramachandran, S., Nguyen, T.T., Stalnecker, C.A., Cerione, R.A., & Erickson, J.W. (2020) The activation loop and substrate-binding cleft of glutaminase C are allosterically coupled. The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 295(5), 1328-1337. link
319. Endo, M., Druso, J.E., & Cerione, R.A. (2020) The two splice variant forms of Cdc42 exert distinct and essential functions in neurogenesis. The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 295(14), 4498-4512. link
320. Yamashita, D., Minata, M., Ibrahim, A.N., Yamaguchi, S., Coviello, V., Bernstock, J.D., Harada, S., Cerione, R.A., Tannous, B.A., La Motta, C., & Nakano, I. (2020) Identification of ALDH1A3 as a Viable Therapeutic Target in Breast Cancer Metastasis-Initiating Cells. Molecular Cancer Therapeutics, 19(5), 1134-1147. link
321. Panizza, E., Cerione, R.A., & Antonyak, M.A. (2020) Exosomes as Sentinels against Bacterial Pathogens. Developmental Cell, 53(2), 138-139. link
322. Lukey, M.J., Greene, K.S., & Cerione, R.A. (2020) Lysine succinylation and SIRT5 couple nutritional status to glutamine catabolism. Molecular & Cellular Oncology, 7(3), 1735284. link
323. Chang, W.H., Cerione, R.A., & Antonyak, M.A. (2020) Extracellular Vesicles and Their Roles in Cancer Progression. Methods in Molecular Biology, 2174, 143-170. link
324. Gao, Y., Eskici, G., Ramachandran, S., Poiteven, F., Seven, A.B., Panova, O., Skiniotis, G., & Cerione, R.A. (2020) Structure of the Visual Signaling Complex between Transducin and Phosphodiesterase 6. Molecular Cell, S1097-2765(20), 30621-3. link
325. Hur, Y.H., Feng, S., Wilson, K.F., Cerione, R.A., & Antonyak, M.A. (2021) Embryonic Stem Cell-derived Extracellular Vesicles Maintain ESC Stemness by Activating FAK. Developmental Cell, 56(3), 277-291.e6. link
326. Wang, J., Zhuang, X., Greene, K.S., Si, H., Antonyak, M.A., Druso, J.E., Wilson, K.F., Cerione, R.A., Feng, Q., & Wang, H. (2021) Cdc42 Functions as a Regulatory Node for Tumour-derived Microvesicle Biogenesis. Journal of Extracellular Vesicles, 10(3), e12051. link
327. Abril, Y.L.N., Fernandez, I.R., Hong, J.Y., Chiang, Y.L., Kutateladze, D.A., Zhao, Q., Yang, M., Hu, J., Sadhukhan, S., Li, B., He, B., Remick, B., Bai, J.J., Mullman, J., Wang, F., Maymi, V., Dhawan, R., Auwerx, J., Southard, T., Cerione, R.A., Lin, H., & Weiss, R.S. (2021) Pharmacological and Genetic Perturbation Establish SIRT5 as a Promising Target in Breast Cancer. Oncogene, 40(9), 1644-1658. link
328. Wang, F., Cerione, R.A., & Antonyak, M.A. (2021) Isolation and Characterization of Extracellular Vesicles Produced by Cell Lines. STAR Protocols, 2(1), 100295. link
329. Chang, W.H., Nguyen, T.T., Hsu, C.H., Bryant, K.L., Ying, H., Erickson, J.W., Der, C.J., Cerione, R.A., & Antonyak, M.A. (2021) KRAS-dependent cancer cells promote survival by producing exosomes enriched in Survivin. Cancer Letters, 517, 66-77. link
330. Milano, S.K., Huang, Q., Nguyen, T.T., Ramachandran, S., Finke, A., Kriksunov, I., Schuller, D.J., Szebenyi, D.M., Arenholz, E., McDermott, L.A., Sukumar, N., Cerione, R.A., & Katt, W.P. (2022) New insights into the molecular mechanisms of glutaminase C inhibitors in cancer cells using serial room temperature crystallography. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 298(2), 101535. link
331. Nguyen, T.T., Ramachandran,Hill, M.J., & Cerione, R.A. (2022) High-resolution structures of mitochondrial glutaminase C tetramers indicate conformational changes upon phosphate binding. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 298(2), 101564. link
332. Katt, W.P., Aplin, C., & Cerione, R.A. (2022) Exploring the role of transglutaminase in patients with glioblastoma: current perspectives. OncoTargets and Therapy, 15, 277-290. link
333. Li, R., Wilson, K.F., & Cerione, R.A. (2022) Elucidation of an mTORC2-PKC-NRF2 pathway that sustains the ATF4 stress response and identification of Sirt5 as a key ATF4 effector. Cell Death Discovery, 8, 357. link
334. Aplin, C., Milano, S.K, Zielinski, K.A., Pollack, L., & Cerione, R.A. (2022) Evolving experimental techniques for structure-based drug design. Journal of Physical Chemsitry B, 126, 6599-6607. link
335. Endo, M., & Cerione, R.A. (2022) The brain-specific splice variant of the CDC42 GTPase works together with the kinase ACK to downregulate the EGF receptor in promoting neurogenesis. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 298, 102564. link
336. Latifkar, A., Wang, F., Mullmann, J.J., Panizza, E., Fernandez, I.R., Ling, L., Miller, A.D., Fischbach, C., Weiss, R.S., Lin, H., Cerione, R.A. & Antonyak, M.A. (2022) IGF2BP2 promotes cancer progression by degrading the RNA transcript encoding a v-ATPase subunit. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, 119, e22047719. link
337. Schwager, S.C., Young, K., Hapach, L.A., Carlson, C.M., Mosier, J.A., McArdle, T.J., Wang, W., Schunk, C., Jayathilake, A.L., Bates, M.E., Bordeleau, F., Antonyak, M.A., Cerione, R.A. & Reinhart-King, C.A. (2022) Weakly migratory metastatic breast cancer cells activate fibroblasts via microvesicle-Tg2 to facilitate dissemination and metastasis. Elife, 11, e74433. link
338. Teran, O.Y., Zantonelli, M.R., Lin, M-C.J., Cerione, R.A. & Wilson, K.F. (2023) Dock7 regulates AKT and mTOR/S6K activity required for the tansformed phenotypes and survival of cancer cells. bioRxiv, preprint. link
339. Chang, W.H., Liu, Y., Hammes, E.A., Bryant, K.L., Cerione, R.A., & Antonyak, M.A. (2023) Oncogenic RAS promotes MYC protein stability by upregulating the expression of the inhibitor of apoptosis protein family member Survivin. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 299, 102842. link
340. Nguyen, T.T., Katt, W.P., & Cerione, R.A. (2023) Alone and together: current approaches to targeting glutaminase enzymes as part of anti-cancer therapies. Future Drug Discovery, 4, 79. link
341. Zielinski, K.A., Katz, A.M., Calvey, G.D., Pabit, S.A., Milano, S.K., Aplin, C., San Emeterio, J., Cerione, R.A., & Pollack, L. (2023) Chaotic advection mixer for capturing transient states of diverse biological macromolecular systems with time-resolved small-angle X-ray scattering. IUCrJ, 10, 363. link
342. Panizza, E., Regalado, B.D., Wang, F., Nakano, I., Vacanti, N.M., Cerione, R.A., & Antonyak, M.A. (2023) Proteomic analysis reveals microvesicles containing NAMPT as mediators of radioresistance in glioma. Life Science Alliance, 6, e202201680. link
344. Erstling, J.A., Bag, N., Gardinier, T.C., Kohle, F.F.E., DomNwachukwu, N., Butler, S.D., Kao, T., Ma, K., Turker, M.Z., Feuer, G.B., Lee, R., Naguib, N., Tallman, J.F., Malarkey, H.F., Tsaur, L., Moore, W.L., Chapman, D.V., Aubert, T., Mehta, S., Cerione, R.A., Weiss, R.S., Baird, B.A. & Wiesner, U.B. (2023) Overcoming barriers associated with oral delivery of differently sized fluorescent core-shell silica nanoparticles. Adv Mater, 36, e2305937. link
345. Aplin, C. & Cerione, R.A. (2023) Probing the mechanism by which the retinal G protein transducin activates its biological effector PDE6. J. Biol. Chem., 28, 105608. link
346. Feng, S., Aplin, C., Nguyen, T.T., Milano, S.K., & Cerione, R.A. (2023) Filament formation drives catalysis by glutaminase enzymes important in cancer progression. (2024) Nat. Commun., 15, 1971. link
347. Gu, W., Luoshong, S., Cai, S., Londhe, K., Elkasri, N., Hawkins, R., Yuan, Z., Greene, K.S., Yin, Y., Cruz, M., Chang, Y-W., McMullen, P., Wu, C., Seo, C., Guru, A., Gao, W., Sarmiento, T., Schaffer, C., Nishimura, N., Cerione, R., Yu, Q., Warden, M., Langer, R., and Jiang, S. (2024) Extracellular vesicles incorporating retrovirus-like capsids for the enhanced packaging and systemic delivery of mRNA into neurons. Nat. Biomed. Eng., 8, 415. link
348. Aplin, C., Zielinski, K.A., Pabit, S., Ogunribido, D., Katt, W.P., Pollack, L., Cerione, R.A., and Milano, S.K. (2024) Distinct conformational states enable transglutaminase 2 to promote cancer cell survival versus cell death. Commun. Biol., 7, 982. link
349. Panizza, E. and Cerione, R.A. (2024) An interpretable deep learning framework identifies proteomic drivers of Alzheimer’s disease. Front. Cell. Dev. Biol., 12, 1379984. link
350. Greene, K.S., Choi, A., Yang, N., Chen, M., Li, R., Qiu, Y., Ezzatpour, S., Rojas, K.S., Shen, J., Wilson, K.F., Katt, W.P., Aguilar, H.C., Lukey, M.J., Whittaker, G.R. & Cerione, R.A. (2025) Glutamine metabolism is essential for coronavirus replication in host cells and mice. J. Biol. Chem., 301, 108063. link
351. Sanchez, J.C., Pierpont, T.M., Argueta-Zamora, D., Wilson, K., August, A., and Cerione, R.A. (2025) PTEN loss in glioma cell lines leads to increased extracellular vesicle biogenesis and PD-L1 cargo in a PI3K-dependent manner. J. Biol. Chem., 301, 108143. link